ProDel Consultancy Inc. provides expertise in the assessment, design, development, delivery of programs to provide financing and the transfer of knowledge and skills for banks, micro-finance institutions, and development service providers to M&SMEs.
ProDel Consultants offer the following services:
Program Design and Implementation
- Provide country assessment on using guarantee funds to support SME Financing;
- Design and implement SME loan guarantee programs;
- Outline working capital programs to finance inventory and accounts receivable;
- Create intermediate and long-term financing to purchase equipment and erect buildings;
- Design micro and rural finance programs in both urban and rural areas; and,
- Plan SME Investment Programs for financing SMEs by making loan, quasi-equity or equity investments on commercial terms.
Strategy Development
- Facilitate the development of strategic plans;
- Provide Boards of Directors with governance training;
- Develop strategies and action steps to address legal, operational, and risk assessment issues;
- Provide management assessment and human resources development;
- Create operating procedure and manual guides;
- Enhance the loan risk monitoring systems, including NPLs; and
- Provide financial analysis training.
Programs Related to SMEs
- Design business support services for banks to provide SMEs managerial, operational, and problem-solving consulting;
- Transfer skills to establish, strengthen and expand the capacity of local consulting and training organizations to provide business training and advisory services to the private sector;
- Develop a country strategy for meeting the needs for SME business growth;
- Design programs needed to educate business owners on all aspects of business, from the formation of a business plan to day-to-day operations; and
- Create training programs so business owners substantially improve their management skills.
©2008 ProDel Consultancy Inc